This is a FULL Talkover of Bungie's Destiny 2 Final Shape Showcase including stray thoughts and observations as well as the interview I did at the end for this week's Destiny Digest Podcast! This was broadcast live across several channels on the day of reveal and was kind of a technical feat for me.
Thank you to @bonafidehiro@TheDFlawless@Eseipha@illPhysics@Pijinnn@Revenant-dc3ul & @tiddly for their patience and trust in putting this together.
A new era of Destiny Digest begins! Join Danfinity in welcoming BonafideHiro, EpicDan & SamiKat to the show!
00:00:00 Intro
00:01:28 Destiny Rising
00:12:38 Vesper's Host Conversation
00:27:44 Is the Vesper's Host Puppeteer Encounter Good?
00:35:53 Episodes VS Seasons
00:46:55 Festival of the Lost & Events
01:04:16 Act II Updates
01:24:03 What weapons are we running?
01:32:05 Q + A
01:45:44 Outro